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Leave everything in bulk in the bin

Separate materials such as packaging inside delivery boxes and plastic from cookie boxes. Don’t put your materials in bags or other containers before disposing of them, instead just leave them loose in the bin.

Bundle Your Plastic Bags Together

Bundle all your plastic bags inside one translucent bag. If a plastic wrapping doesn’t stretch, it goes in your garbage bin.

The Unwanted

Unwanted items such as masks, gloves, used textiles, candy wrappers and diapers don’t go in the recycling bin. Throw them in the waste bin instead! Don’t forget to reuse textiles or clothes that are still in good condition, otherwise, take them to your ecocenter or a re-use centre.

Number 6 Plastics

Don’t put # 6 plastics such as single-use utensils, small milk or coffee creamer containers and Styrofoam in your recycling bin. Take your Styrofoam to your ecocenter.

Hazardous Materials

Certain hazardous materials are dangerous for workers and their equipment. These include such items as computers, keyboards, cellphones, garlands, watering hoses, ropes, batteries, paint, ink cartridges and lightbulbs. Take them to your ecocenter.

Construction Debris

Construction debris, such as wood, drywall, windows and metal don’t go in the recycling bin. Take them to your ecocenter. Don’t forget to reuse them if they’re still good!

Laminate Containers

Don’t place laminate containers such as coffee cups and soup bowls in your recycling bin. Throw them in the waste bin instead!

Compostable (#7 PLA) or Biodegradable Plastics

Compostable or biodegradable plastics (# 7 PLA) don’t go inside the recycling bin. Even though they look like recyclable items, these types of plastic are neither accepted for recycling nor organic collections. They go in the garbage bin.

Plastic Not Used for Packaging and Containers

Children’s toys, coffee makers and patio chairs, for instance, don’t go in the recycling bin. Don’t forget to reuse them or take them to your ecocenter.

Rinse Your Containers

Rinsing containers before putting them in the recycling bin is not mandatory. However, it is recommended since it helps prevent odours and nuisances for the sorting centre workers and their equipment.

Glass Containers

Glass containers can be recycled, but they’re better valorized when taken to glass collection containers.

Garbage Bags, Yes or No?

Garbage bags can be mistaken for garbage at the sorting centre. Furthermore, the equipment used here is designed to function with loose materials placed in the bins and not in bags. To help with the sorting process, your materials must be placed in the bin and not in garbage bags.

Caps and Bread Ties

Small items such as caps can cause problems during the sorting process because of their size. It is recommended to leave the caps on their container and to throw bread ties in the garbage bin.